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Euroscicon welcomes all the participants from all over the world to attend “2nd Edition of International Conferences on Clinical Oncology and Molecular Diagnostics” during June 11-13, 2018 at Dublin, Ireland. Clinical oncology 2018 which is one of the best oncology conferences aims to gather prominent educational scientists, researchers and instructors to share their experiences and ideas. As the theme of the conference "Enlightening the Future Panorama of Clinical Oncology", the major discussion points will be based on the novel advancements in clinical oncology. This cancer conference includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. The significant sessions in this conference are Cancer Metastasis, Cancer Biopsy, Cancer Epigenetics, Cancer Screening, Cancer Epidemiology, Cancer Biomarkers, Oncogenomics and Radiation Oncology. The purpose of Clinical Oncology Conference is to promote interest, stimulate research, and promulgate information on all aspects of cancer science.

2nd Edition of International Conferences on Clinical Oncology and Molecular Diagnostics

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November 22, 2017 09:40 AM
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