Internet & Business Directory connecting 298.775 quality reviewed Businesses with interested people since 2005.

OneMillionDirectory Submission Rules

We make an effort to review as many business submissions as possible, but we cannot always accept every submission.

  • When submitting, please provide an accurate and grammatically correct title and description for your listing.
  • The title and description should reflect the content that a user would find on your site.
  • Your site should not display popups, or attempt to install any software on the user's computer.
  • The website associated with the listing must have content.
  • We do not accept links to empty websitesexpired domains or in parking.
  • Business or Websites containing content that is not legal or is not legally viewed by children, will not be accepted and removed.
  • Business or Websites related to adult or erotic pictures, content, video, escorts, and related, will not be accepted and removed.
  • We will regularly verify that the links and URL's associated with your listing business are active, and in case the associated website is dropped, expired or removed, we will check back regularly for a week and to maintain that status will be suspended from our directory. You can then contact us to reactivate it, as the data will still be stored but the listing will not be displayed.
  • If you have selected a paid listing type (Basic Plus, Featured, Premium, Article), and your listing is not approved, we will proceed to refund the money. But once your business listing is approved, if later checks verify that you have changed the content of the site and it does not comply with our terms of service, or the link no longer exists, the domain has expired, or its in parking, we will proceed to disable it and No refund will be possible. However we do not delete the content of this type of publications, we only disable them, so if you later reverse the situation and comply with our terms and services, you can contact us and we will activate it again.

Thanks for doing your part to submit a quality business.

OneMillionDirectory Staff