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Nevada Attorneys Dedicated to Getting Results At Gunderson Law Group, our experienced attorneys take a personalized approach to representing clients. We aren’t just interested in the hard facts and the cold numbers – we care about how the case affects our clients and how the resolution impacts their lives. We do everything we can to protect their interests, including creating the strongest legal argument on their behalf and exploring all the available legal tactics. Who We Help: Businesses and Nonprofits: Whether you run a small startup or you oversee a multinational chain of businesses, our experienced Nevada attorneys can help you. We work with businesses that run the gamut from small non-profit organizations on a shoe-string budget to Fortune 500 companies will billions in profits. If you are just getting started, our attorneys can help you determine the right business structure to meet your goals. Our team will help draw up the proper paperwork and get everything filed correctly so that you start your business on the right legal foundation for future success. Once you are up and running, we help businesses with things like drafting contracts, reviewing legal agreements, overseeing real estate transaction, planning for business succession, and much more. We also help businesses get work visas for their employees and draw up employment contracts for workers on every level. Whatever legal assistance your business needs, our Nevada business attorneys can help. We partner with business owners to provide the best legal help available.

Gunderson Law Group Nevada, P.C.

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Date Updated:
February 4, 2020 07:47 PM
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