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Our website is dedicated for persons who want to attend in Holy Mass in the web. Here you can spot links to Holy Masses online from different churches throughout the world. When you enter the selected webpage you will able to go through the calendar with the Catholic Holy Masses live. Please click in the chosen hour when you want to see the Holy Mass live online. Our portal validated its usefulness in a pandemic time. In the their opinions, persons manifest how practical is this portal for them. If you practice online calendar you have permission to append the Holy Mass video to your own calendar. If you want to see the Holy Mass now get through on the link "Watch online Holy Mass". And the broadcast website opens automatically. Later you can watch the Holy Mass live. This webpage was created for the sick people, home bound and for those who, due to various major reasons, could not went to house of God to be present at Holy Mass; or those who, due to their accommodation, do not have churches to go to. We hope our page will help our sisters and brothers in faith to see the Holy Mass live wherever they are. For people understand English this webpage will be very needed, but people also attend in Holy Masses broadcast in Tamil, Malayalam or Mandarin language. No matter where you located, our calendar will show a Holly Masses according to your present local time. The broadcasts take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We broadcast more Holy Masses on saint's day and on Sunday. If you are blessed free time, you can take this time at the Blessed Sacrament, whose we too stream.

Mass Online - Catholic Holy Masses live online
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May 28, 2020 05:01 PM
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