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Make your gallery videos more attractive by adding ‘Date and Timestamp, Signature Stamp (Text on Video), Watermark Logo and GPS Geotag’ using Video Stamper app! ? Just a one-time setup is all you need to do and then you can start video stamping precisely. Simply pick a clip from the ‘Phone Gallery’ and your personalized stamp will be auto-added to it! Easily Re-Edit your Video Clips with Video Stamper Editor App and Add, ? Text as a Caption or Custom Signature ? Timestamp as Date and Time Stamp ? Location as GPS GeoTag ? Watermark Logo Furthermore, it also includes a smooth user-friendly interface which comforts you to add a caption to video film like a child’s play.

Video Stamper: Add Logo, Timestamp & Text on Video

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Date Updated:
November 27, 2018 07:24 AM
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